Maintenance welas®digital System / Promo® System
Article number 707
Price on request
welas®digital 2000, 3000 / Promo® 2000, 3000Maintenance including calibration
Maintenance welas®digital System / Promo® System
1. Examination of the delivered device on transport damages
2. Incoming inspection
- Setup of the device
- Control the adjustment of the lamps
- Examine on contamination
- Test measurements with calibration dust
3. Check and readjustment of the electrical components
- Working voltage photomultiplier
- Lamp power supply (electricity / power)
- Signal cards (adjustment of the offset, characteristic, signal period
measurement, coincidence recognition)
- Photomultiplier unit Offset measurement / adjustment
- Integrated suction pump (volume flow)
- Filter exchange
4. Check of the optical system of the sensor
- Clean the optics
- Control and adjustment of the optical light paths in the sensor
- Control of the optical cables
5. Software
- Examination on perfect installation (Are all components existing?
Are the program paths correct? Is the program version the current
one and is it exact?)
- If necessary: Update of the software
6. Evaluation of the overall function and calibration
- Adjustment of the sensitivity with reference particles for different
measuring ranges, eventually different sensor
- Test measurements for the evaluation of the overall function
7. Issue of a calibration certificate with equipment data, date,
settings, graphics of the test measurements
8. Packing of the devices / make ready for dispatch
Incl. Xenarc lamp replacement
Small repairs are included
Excluded are the following spare parts, which must be ordered
- Pumpe
- Massflowmeter
- Photomultiplier
- PM-Switch
- Lamp power supply
- Power supply control unit
- PC
- Touch display
- Circuit board MMS-MIO
- Circuit board MMS-SLA
- Circuit board MMS-PT100
- Aerosol inlet
- Cuvette
- Repare welas®- aerosol sensor
- Repare optical cables
2. Incoming inspection
- Setup of the device
- Control the adjustment of the lamps
- Examine on contamination
- Test measurements with calibration dust
3. Check and readjustment of the electrical components
- Working voltage photomultiplier
- Lamp power supply (electricity / power)
- Signal cards (adjustment of the offset, characteristic, signal period
measurement, coincidence recognition)
- Photomultiplier unit Offset measurement / adjustment
- Integrated suction pump (volume flow)
- Filter exchange
4. Check of the optical system of the sensor
- Clean the optics
- Control and adjustment of the optical light paths in the sensor
- Control of the optical cables
5. Software
- Examination on perfect installation (Are all components existing?
Are the program paths correct? Is the program version the current
one and is it exact?)
- If necessary: Update of the software
6. Evaluation of the overall function and calibration
- Adjustment of the sensitivity with reference particles for different
measuring ranges, eventually different sensor
- Test measurements for the evaluation of the overall function
7. Issue of a calibration certificate with equipment data, date,
settings, graphics of the test measurements
8. Packing of the devices / make ready for dispatch
Incl. Xenarc lamp replacement
Small repairs are included
Excluded are the following spare parts, which must be ordered
- Pumpe
- Massflowmeter
- Photomultiplier
- PM-Switch
- Lamp power supply
- Power supply control unit
- PC
- Touch display
- Circuit board MMS-MIO
- Circuit board MMS-SLA
- Circuit board MMS-PT100
- Aerosol inlet
- Cuvette
- Repare welas®- aerosol sensor
- Repare optical cables